Chemical Peeling

Many women and men opt for various dermocosmetic procedures to attain a healthy and smooth skin. One of the most crucial among these is chemical peeling. This procedure leverages the skin’s renewal capabilities to grant you a radiant complexion.


What is Chemical Peeling?

Chemical peeling involves applying one or more chemical agents to the skin at different depths to create controlled damage, promoting the emergence of healthy skin, rejuvenating it, and enhancing its appearance. The aim of “chemical peeling” is to create damage to desired depths in the skin layers and to treat various lesions by benefiting from the increased production of collagen and elastin triggered during the regeneration process. In this treatment, a chemical acid is applied to the skin, causing the superficial layers to separate and peel off. Although there are numerous chemical peeling agents, the most commonly used ones include alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) (such as glycolic acid, fruit acids, lactic acid), salicylic acid (beta hydroxy acids (BHA)), trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Jessner’s solution, and their combinations.


Why is Chemical Peeling Applied?

Today, chemical peeling has become a simple and easily applicable procedure not only in dermato-cosmetology but also in the treatment of many dermatological conditions. Fine wrinkles caused by sun exposure, burns, and hereditary factors, sun and age-related spots, freckles, potentially cancerous redness or dark spots on the face can be corrected, even healed, with peeling. It assists in the improvement of rosacea and active acne, aiding in the healing process and improvement of acne scars. It also has a positive effect on reducing oiliness and minimizing pores. It is effective against fine lines and wrinkles caused by disruptions in the skin’s collagen tissue and elastin fibers. After the skin peels off, the texture of the newly emerged skin is younger, brighter, smoother, blemish-free, and homogeneous.


How is Chemical Peeling Applied?

A doctor selects an acid solution for the face, neck, chest, hands, and arms based on the patient’s skin condition, and it is applied in hospital, clinic, or office settings. Chemical peeling is performed in three different types based on the depth level of the procedure: superficial, medium, and deep.


Superficial chemical peeling targets the top layer of the skin, the epidermis. Initially, there may be a mild burning, tingling, and redness, but the skin quickly recovers. Fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and dryness can be successfully treated. Generally, 4-8 sessions are applied at intervals of 1-4 weeks.


Medium-depth chemical peeling targets both the top layer (epidermis) and the middle layer (upper dermis) of the skin. There is a deeper peeling effect on the skin. Initially, the reddened skin starts to flake and peel. Subsequently, a healthier skin appearance emerges. The procedure can be repeated 2-4 times at intervals of 2-4 months.


Deep chemical peeling is applied to epidermis, dermis, and mid-dermal cells. The recovery time may be longer due to the treatment of a deeper layer of the skin. This application is generally not repeated, and the desired appearance of the skin can be achieved after a while.


Who should not undergo chemical peeling?

Those with active herpes infection or an open wound in the application area

During pregnancy or lactation

Within the last 6-12 months of taking isotretinoin treatment (wait for 3-6 months for superficial peeling and 6-12 months for medium-deep peeling)

Those using medications that may cause photosensitivity (tetracycline) and those using birth control pills

Those allergic to aspirin

Those using blood thinners

Those with a history of hypertrophic scar, keloid

Those with dark skin tones

Those exposed to intense sunlight should not undergo this procedure.


In which season should chemical peeling be performed?

This procedure is often performed in winter months. Since protection from the sun is necessary after the procedure, periods when the weather is not sunny are generally preferred.

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